it was set up in 2009 and merged with strategic alliance of technological innovation in peanut industry in 2012 and it is one of the first batch of 39 pilot alliances built by ministry of science and technology. the member number of the alliance is increased from the original 32 to the current 48, including 12 colleges and universities, 9 research institutes and 27 enterprises. the alliance was voluntarily composed by the major enterprises in the cooking oil industry who are engaged in cooking oil production, technology and products research and engineering, and some independent legal entities from scientific research institutes.

the alliance has established an industrial technology innovation mechanism and a commercial operation mode and the industrial technology innovation takes enterprise as the main body, market as direction and combination of production-study-and-scientific-research as the base and the commercial operation mode is based on achievements transformation. the alliance realized the effective cooperation of enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions, guided the industrial development and promoted the technological innovation. the alliance provided a cooperation and communication platform, integrated the resources and built a research team according to the advantages of each member and mainly focused on five aspects (the technology innovation in quality improvement, energy saving and loss reduction in the cooking vegetable oil industry; the quality and safety control of cooking oil and the enhancement of nutrition; the deep development and industrialization of cooking oil by-products; the special oil technology, products development and industrialization of food processing; the research, development and industrialization of the new natural animal oil, plant oil and bio-oil sources) and its aim is to gain key technologies which can provide core competitiveness to the cooking vegetable oil industry of our country and guarantee the safety of the cooking oil industry of our country.